• Medical Humanities and Ethics Unit
  • medheu@um.edu.my

Medical Language and Linguistics

MedHEU collaborates with linguistics experts to increase awareness on the importance of language in everyday medical practice, whether at the personal level or while communicating with patients, the medical community, or the public. This division consists of team members from both the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya.

A grasp of language and linguistics are key towards improving patient-doctor communication. The prevailing narrative is that doctors face challenges when handling difficult conversations with patients. Strategies are needed to improve communication with patients and specifically when involving patients in decision-making to ensure the best treatment plan and to aid compliance to treatment. The language and linguistics lens can help to identify issues that can make the process better.

This division also hopes to provide an avenue for creative expressions by clinicians or clinical students through outlets such as creative writing.

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Last Update: 11/08/2022